So. Yesterday we gave our Final Project proposals and mine was among the selected. Yay. Go me! While this makes me a little smug, I'll be honest and say I'm a little bit bummed. By having your project selected means that you're stuck doing it and there were some other projects I think I would have had a lot more fun doing than my own.
Also, I wasn't aware that we would be split up into groups of three. I was thinking this project was going to be easy since everyone would only have to bring maybe one to two pieces to contribute. Nope. Now if we want an extensive collection we three will have to bring in four to five pieces. Really not a huge deal by anymeans. My project probably requires the least amount of craftsmanship. Rather we have to rely on creating and indicating story to get the viewers fascinated about these seemingly ordinary objects.

I recall, the advise given was to try and establish a continuity in the types of messages found. Knowing me, I think I'll stick to tragic stories. Some of the objects might seem comical in appearance (a rubber duck for example) but the message attached will be of a sincere nature. They don't all have to be sad necessarily but I think most of the messages have to be dire. They aren't meant to be trivial messages sent for a cheap laugh but to allude to a story of a person being pushed to emotional extremes. Again either they want to be found and in which case there will be a label saying whether the sender was indeed found (dead or alive) or whether the message was for sheer anonymity very much like the secret post cards which were actually one of the inspirations for this installation.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
by Amidanah Rohmah ·
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