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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"You're just my leeeetle sack of potatuhs."

"Will you still need me, will you still feed me,When I'm sixty-four?" - (Lennon/McCartney - 1967) createSummaryAndThumb("summary5572802819482523176"...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our good pal in Berlin (via Dublin) DJ Wool has another release out. And I'm pretty fucking wild about it. Sounds like he's been in Berlin for a bit, if you ask me. It drops tomorrow, June 28th on Beatport, go grab it. You'll be glad you did. Here's the vid:Hot on the heels of the Das Shadow and Broad Bean Band releases, the new true-blue MONOlith label/collective known as We Collect Enemies hits...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hey, so about a month and a half ago, myself and good pal, the venerable Dj Fordinho took on a new Friday night at the Hifi club. It's been unbelievably fun and such a fucking shit show. Here's the linky to the Facebook group. We loved the first few nights so much, that we decided to do a mix every...
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